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Here’s What Happened Before Chainsaw Man Chapter 113
In Chainsaw Man Chapter 112, Asa Mitaka and Yoru discuss the mysterious girl who offered to revive Yuko and called Asa “little sister.” Yoru claims not to know any such girl, though her tone suggests she might even be evading. Asa meets with a devil hunter group who commends her for her attempt to fight the Justice Devil. Haruka Iseumi, their leader, welcomes her into their group and, while not keen on devil hunting, Asa accepts. When asked whether Chainsaw Man is part of the group, Haruka reveals a starter on his stomach, identical to Pochita’s tail which triggers Denji’s own transformation, thus revealing him to be the Chainsaw Man impostor who killed Yuko. Asa and Yoru have no way of knowing that Haruka isn’t the real Chainsaw Man, so they start discussing ways to eliminate him. To Yoru’s surprise, Asa is now obedient and willing to cooperate with her to kill Chainsaw Man. This is because Asa is deeply affected by what happened to Yuko. She also hopes that if she helps Yoru, the War Devil will give her full control of her body again, as killing Chainsaw Man should mark the War Devil’s return to full power. Yoru doesn’t attack the Chainsaw Man impostor on the spot, as she isn’t strong enough yet. For her to be a formidable opponent, Asa must turn something precious to her into a weapon. We’ve already seen her doing so once before when she turned her mother’s school uniform into a sword. Unfortunately, none of Asa’s other worldly possessions are emotionally significant to her, which means that she can only create a strong weapon for Yoru if she kills someone she cares about. Yoru makes it clear that Asa can’t make a strong weapon out of someone like a serial killer, whose death would feel justified to her, as feelings of guilt and regret are necessary to create strong weapons. When Yoru suggests bonding with a pet cat and then killing it, Asa is repulsed by the idea. Instead, she decides to settle for something in-between; a person she doesn’t fully care about but who isn’t bad enough for her to believe that they deserve to die. In a hilariously ironic twist, Asa concludes that the perfect person for that would be Denji; someone she considers an idiot, though not an unpardonable villain. When she finds Denji creating new cigarettes out of used ones and selling them to homeless people, Asa believes she has found her target. Initially, Denji declines to talk to her because the last time they met, she told him that she hated Chainsaw Man. But when Asa asks him on a date, Denji reconsiders and accepts immediately. READ MORE: Who Does Denji End Up With in Chainsaw Man?
Here’s the Release Date and Time of Chainsaw Man Chapter 113
In Japan, Chainsaw Man Chapter 113 is expected to be released on December 6, at 12:00 AM JST. This time, the anime If this information remains correct, here are the approximate release times for various international regions:
Pacific Time: 9:00 AM Central Time: 11:00 AM Eastern Time: 12:00 AM British Time: 5:00 PM
Chainsaw Man had stuck to a bi-weekly schedule for the past couple of months, but the manga is now back to a weekly schedule that coincides with the release date of new anime episodes! ALSO READ: Is Chainsaw Man Seinen or Shonen?
Chainsaw Man Chapter 113 COUNTDOWN
Here Are the Spoilers and Leaks for Chainsaw Man Chapter 113
As of writing, there are no spoilers or leaks yet for Chainsaw Man Chapter 113. Spoilers, such as raw scans and previews, might show up a few days before the chapter’s official release. If and when a potential spoiler or leak gets revealed, we’ll update this space with the relevant information.
Here’s What We Predict Will Happen in Chainsaw Man Chapter 113
It’s quite hard to predict what will happen in Chainsaw Man Chapter 113 given how messy and unpredictable everything is. There are many possible angles for the upcoming chapter, such as depicting Asa’s attempts to bond with Denji before trying to kill him. However, it could also focus on her time as a new recruit in the devil hunter group that is led by a Chainsaw Man impostor. Hopefully, we’ll learn more about him and the reason he’s impersonating Chainsaw Man. But how does Haruka even have such powers? When he killed Yuko, there was almost nothing to suggest that he wasn’t Denji. But how can Pochita, the original Chainsaw Man, have a contract with more than one person, especially since Denji literally has Pochita as his heart? Could Haruka be contracted with some kind of shapeshifting devil instead? Stay tuned to find out! If you’re craving more content in the meantime, we’ve put together a list of the best Chainsaw Man fanfiction to read right now. Want the latest on all things anime? Make sure you follow us on Twitter! READ NEXT: What Is Chainsaw Man’s Age Rating?