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Here’s What Happened Before Chainsaw Man Chapter 115
In Chainsaw Man Chapter 114, Asa and Denji are trapped by the Hunger Devil. Despite Denji’s insistence that he’s been in this sort of situation before, Asa refuses to believe him. Asa insists on making her own way out of the situation only to bump into Haruka Iseumi, Yoshida, and a devil hunter student who is about as reluctant as Kobeni to the point of already being seen as her potential sibling since she has a very large family. Iseumi, the Chainsaw Man imposter, finds some water tanks in the staff breakout rooms and suggests that the party can cook and eat some fish until they can find a way out of the situation. Asa, who’s still reluctant to turn Denji into a weapon, decides to listen to Iseumi, hoping that he can get her out of the situation. However, as she doesn’t eat fish, her predicament is more urgent, so she decides to make her own contribution. Asa surprises everyone by producing a mobile phone (remember, Chainsaw Man takes place in an alternative 1997, and cell phones weren’t as common among students as they are today). When Asa finds a signal, this ignites the group’s hopes that they might be able to contact professional devil hunters to rescue them. As per Asa’s notoriously bad luck though, her phone breaks before she can ask for help, causing the rest of the group to ostracize her for being unhelpful. READ MORE: Will Asa and Denji End Up Together in Chainsaw Man?
Here’s the Release Date and Time of Chainsaw Man Chapter 115
In Japan, Chainsaw Man Chapter 115 is expected to be released on December 27, at 12:00 AM JST. If this information remains correct, here are the approximate release times for various international regions:
Pacific Time: 9:00 AM Central Time: 11:00 AM Eastern Time: 12:00 AM
British Time: 5:00 PM
Chainsaw Man has stuck to a bi-weekly schedule for the past couple of months, but the manga is now back to a weekly schedule that coincides with the release date of new anime episodes! ALSO READ: Is Chainsaw Man Seinen or Shonen?
Chainsaw Man Chapter 115 COUNTDOWN
Please note that the countdown above is set for the Japanese release date and time of Chainsaw Man Chapter 115.
Here Are the Spoilers and Leaks for Chainsaw Man Chapter 115
As of writing, there are no spoilers or leaks yet for Chainsaw Man Chapter 115. Spoilers, such as raw scans and previews, might show up a few days before the chapter’s official release. If and when a potential spoiler or leak gets revealed, we’ll update this space with the relevant information.
Here’s What We Predict Will Happen in Chainsaw Man Chapter 115
With the Chainsaw Man imposter and the actual Chainsaw Man both locked in the same building, we expect chaos to ensue. Asa’s bad luck has resulted in isolation from her peers once more, so could she and Denji decide to stick together after that? If so, how will Yoru and the Hunger Devil react to her failure? And if not, how will she attempt to make Denji into a weapon? Reported leaks on Reddit suggest that, while it’s still uncertain if Asa and Denji end up together, they might bond a bit more in Chapters 115-116. The leaks do not show full pannels but give a brief itinerary of the next chapter, suggesting that Asa might realize Iseumi is an impostor when he fails to transform. Other reported leaks include a scene in which Denji tries to help Asa, suggesting that she tries starfish if she can’t eat fish. If the reported leaks are correct, Asa and Denji will bond a bit, with the latter admitting that he finds Asa interesting and that she reminds him of a friend. Another possible scene suggests that Asa might turn the aquarium into a weapon. While none of this is officially confirmed, this information could add up; Asa knows a lot about the aquarium and she did mention starfish quite a bit. Moreover, many fans have suggested that Asa Mitaka could be autistic and that sea creatures are a special interest of hers. If that is the case, it’s entirely possible that Asa cares about the aquarium enough to be able to make a weapon out of it, and potentially save the day. Stay tuned to find out more in the next chapter! If you’re craving more content in the meantime, we’ve put together a list of the best Chainsaw Man fanfiction to read right now. Want the latest on all things anime? Make sure you follow us on Twitter! READ NEXT: What Is Chainsaw Man’s Age Rating?