The Rise of Skywalker featured Leia’s death and first appearance as a Force Ghost and even included a flashback scene where Fisher’s own daughter Billie Lourd played a younger version of the character with some help from VFX magic. Speaking of that scene, it turns out that it would have been a fitting tribute for the late actress but Lucasfilm scrapped the original plans for the flashback sequence. Adam Brockbank, one of the artists who worked on Episode IX unveiled a concept art from that specific scene and it features Leia wielding a purple lightsaber. If you may recall, the film’s final cut saw her wield a blue-bladed saber. According to Fisher’s 2016 memoir (via Cinema Blend), she would have wanted to see Leia wield a purple lightsaber in the films and the artwork pretty much confirms that plans were in place at one point. Sadly, it didn’t happen. Check out the concept art here:

Also Read: Disney Reportedly Erasing Rey Skywalker from Star Wars CanonAs it stands, we still don’t know why the production company scrapped the idea as it would have served as a great homage to Carrie.The entire Skywalker saga is available for streaming on Disney+.

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