Right now, only a few details about the new chapter have leaked online and there are no raw scans of panels yet. This new info has been verified and shared online by known leakers, though you may still want to take these details with a grain of salt. As with most new One Piece chapters, it is expected that more leaks will come out in the following days. Spoiler Warning: There are possible One Piece Chapter 1061 spoilers in this article. In the previous chapter, the Straw Hat crew met Bonney, one of the Eleven Supernovas. According to the latest chapters, it seems that Bonney will be the key to their next adventure. Specifically, the Straw Hats are setting sail for Egg Head, the island of the future. This island is said to belong to Vegapunk, the world’s foremost scientist that works for the World Government. Vegapunk is the scientist who discovered the secrets of Seastones and Devil Fruits, as well as the creator of the Pacifistas. While he has been mentioned many times, Vegapunk has yet to appear in the story. Aside from the Straw Hats, it seems that the next chapter will also feature Tashigi and members of SWORD. They are on an island near Egg Head along with the children that were rescued from Punk Hazard. Given that Koby was abducted by the Blackbeard Pirates, Helmeppo wants to borrow Vegapunk’s Seraphim to rescue Koby. Though it wasn’t mentioned whom Helmeppo was talking to. As the Marines are in the chapter based on the leaks, they’ll likely play a key role in the next arc’s events. Fans online have remarked that these initial events are reminiscent of the Punk Hazard Arc. Other details in the leaks include the Straw Hat crew once again being separated. Specifically, it’s Luffy, Jinbe, Chopper, and Bonney that are separated from the rest of the crew. By the end of the chapter, a girl appears claiming to be Vegapunk. It’s not clear if this supposed Vegapunk will encounter the Straw Hats, nor is it known if she is the real deal. After all, Vegapunk has been called an old man by a G-5 Marine before. The next One Piece chapter is set to officially release on September 26 JST. Read More: One Piece Chapter 1061 Release Date and Time, Spoilers