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Here’s What Happened Before One Piece Chapter 1068
One Piece Chapter 1067 is entitled Punk Records, with a cover depicting Vinsmoke Judge facing off against Caesar Clown in front of the other two Vinsmoke siblings. The chapter starts with Luffy, Bonney, Chopper, and Jinbe discussing Dr. Vegapunk’s formerly massive head, which resembles a hot air balloon. Dr. Vegapunk claims that he ate the Brain-Brain Devil Fruit back then, which allowed him to store all kinds of knowledge without limits. As more data enters Dr. Vegapunk’s brain, his head physically expands to accommodate the amount of data it holds, transforming it into an infinite data bank. Despite having his head cut short, an apple top serves as an antenna, connecting to the Punk Records, which function as Dr. Vegapunk’s brain storage space. Furthermore, Dr. Vegapunk reveals that he has six clones on the island, each with their own expertise in one of his important facets. All six of them share one complete copy of his personality, but they are six times more powerful. The six Vegapunks synchronize their experiences and knowledge with Punk Records once a day due to their distinct personalities and duties. Dr. Vegapunk 01 represents Shaka the Good, Dr. Vegapunk 02 represents Lilith the Evil, Dr. Vegapunk 03 represents Edison the Thinker, Dr. Vegapunk 04 represents Pythagoras the Wise, Dr. Vegapunk 05 represents Atlas the Violent, and Dr. Vegapunk 06 represents York the Greedy. Besides that, Dr. Vegapunk claims that if he can create an entire sea of knowledge that exceeds even his vast intellect, humanity will be able to share a brain one day. While the Straw Hats are impressed, Bonney is enraged by Dr. Vegapunk’s never-ending quest for scientific knowledge, which has turned her father into a mindless weapon of war. She points her beam saber at Dr. Vegapunk and demands that her father be restored to normalcy immediately. After her laser beam attracted an enormous cloud of insects, it attacked Bonney and left her unconscious. While Bonney is passed out, Dr. Vegapunk asks if there was a second dragon in Wano Country besides Kaidou, to which Luffy responds that it was Momonosuke. Dr. Vegapunk reveals that Momonosuke must have eaten the failed devil fruit he attempted to grow by working with Kaidou’s bloodline elements. This explains why Momonosuke resembled Kaidou, who has the ability to breathe fire. The major difference is that Momonosuke was just a pink dragon, much to Dr. Vegapunk’s chagrin. Then, Dr. Vegapunk’s attention shifted to the ancient robot in front of them. The robot was the legendary iron giant that is said to have attacked the Sacred Marijoa about 200 years ago, but it was actually built 900 years ago. In this day and age, the ancient robot’s origins and purpose are still unknown. The World Government shut the robot down, but the curious scientists did not carry out those orders. The rest of the Straw Hat Pirates watch Luffy and the others converse with Dr. Vegapunk on the screen of his laboratory. Robin mentions that there was a big issue about fish-man discrimination 200 years ago, which would most likely explain why the giant robot climbed to the red line and landed on Egghead Island. Dr. Vegapunk Shaka mentions that he modeled the Vegaforce 01 robot after the legendary iron giant but was unable to recreate its dynamic power source due to a lack of sufficient power to rewrite everything they know about the world today. Meanwhile, Dr. Vegapunk regrets his actions toward Bonney and her father. To make amends, he realizes he has something to offer her, but first, he turns to Luffy and asks him to get him off Egghead Island. Suddenly, the Cipher Pol 0 arrives on the island, preceded by Rob Lucci, to hunt down Bonney and make her disappear. Upon seeing Cipher Pol 0’s arrival on the harbor, Usopp, Nami, Franky, Sanji, and Robin became frantic and panicked. Dr. Vegapunk Shaka responds by demanding that Cipher Pol 0 unload the Seraphim Kuma they have and leave. He adds that if they refuse, they will fight back no matter what. Back in Kamabakka Queendom on the Grand Line, Lindbergh notices Kuma behaving strangely as if the Navy is still in charge of him. That’s when Kuma tries to sprint away from the Revolutionary Army, despite collapsing shortly due to his reduced mobility. Before the chapter ends, Dragon screams angrily at Kuma and asks where he is going, while Ivankov tells him that he should stay with them because this is only the beginning of their actual revolution. READ MORE: Is the One Piece Manga Better than the Anime?
Here’s the Release Date of One Piece Chapter 1068
One Piece Chapter 1068 is set to be released on December 4, 2022, in regions such as the US, the UK, and Europe. This is a week’s delay because of the scheduled break to maintain print quality and staff health. In Japan, Chapter 1068 is set to be released on December 5, 2022. YOU MIGHT LIKE: What Are the Differences Between the One Piece Manga and the Anime?
Here’s the Release Time of One Piece Chapter 1068
In Japan, One Piece Chapter 1068 is set to be released on December 5, 2022, at 12:00 AM JST. If this information remains correct, the following release times will apply to your location:
Pacific Time: 9:00 AM (December 4, 2022)Central Time: 11:00 AM (December 4, 2022)Eastern Time: 12:00 PM (December 4, 2022)British Time: 5:00 PM (December 4, 2022)
One Piece Chapter 1068 COUNTDOWN
Please note that the countdown above follows the release time of One Piece Chapter 1068 in Japan.
Here Are the Spoilers and Predictions for One Piece Chapter 1068
The next chapter’s spoilers have been leaked online, and it appears that Luffy and Rob Lucci will finally get their long-awaited rematch. But before he can confront Luffy, Rob Lucci must first deal with Dr. Vegapunk Shaka. Meanwhile, Dr. Vegapunk will explain his dream and research to Luffy and request his assistance in leaving Egghead Island. Rob Lucci and the Cipher Pol 0 will find themselves face-to-face with Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates once more, much to the surprise of both parties. For more detailed information, head over to our One Piece Chapter 1068 spoiler article. Want the latest on all things anime? Make sure you follow us on Twitter! READ NEXT: One Piece Volume 103’s English Release Date, Cover, and More!