When Takafumi discovered his uncle’s powers, he did not have second thoughts about inviting him to live with him so he can make money out of Yousuke’s powers through YouTube. Takafumi also uses his uncle’s stories as a way to escape from his cruel reality, including his parents’ divorce, and to somehow deal with the stress he feels from Yousuke’s medical status.
What Are Yousuke’s Powers in Uncle From Another World?
So far in the reverse isekai anime, Yousuke has two main abilities: Wild Talker and Spirit Magic. Wild Talker is an auto-translation ability that grants Yousuke the skill to communicate with any monster, spirit, or human being. He got this ability as a transport bonus because he wished to communicate with every being and understand everyone equally. Spirit Magic, on the other hand, is an additional skill that is related to Wild Talker. It lets him use magic and spells from the whims of the spirits. Language is used to activate the ability, especially on external targets. For example, if Yousuke is in Granbahamal, he needs to use Granbahamalian to activate the spell.
What Magical Spells Can Yousuke Use?
There are three spells Yousuke can use: Icuras Cuora, Icuras Elran or Memory Spirit, and Storage Magic. Icuras Cuora is a spell that can erase his target’s specific memories. Though the effect is not permanent, and the memories could return. Meanwhile, Icuras Elran or Memory Spirit allows Yousuke to see his target’s memories visually. Lastly, Storage Magic is a space pocket that allows Yousuke to store his things. However, not much of his abilities were explained as his journey to the fantasy world is still wrapped in mystery. Whether he will be able to get rid of these abilities and live a normal life in Japan is something viewers will have to find out as they witness Yousuke’s journey in Uncle from Another World. Read More: Who Is the Protagonist of Uncle from Another World?